
1. 졸업 이수요건
구분 이수학점 비고 소계
기초 필수 17 Calculus I(3), General Physics I(3), General Chemistry I(3), General Biology(3), Introduction to Al Programming (3), General Chemistry Lab I(1), General Physics Lab I(1) (Total 17 credits) At least 31 Credits
선택[학과지정] 14 General Chemistry II(3), General Chemistry Lab II(1), General Physics II(3), AIP 1I(3), Calculus [I (3), Why Chemistry?(1)
전공 필수 30 Refer to Required course list below Including 3 Credits of Graduation Thesis At least 54 Credits
선택 24 Refer to Elective course list below
인턴십 3 Internship (Choose one among Research, Industrial, Venture Creation, Co-op) 3 Credits


All courses accepted At least 11 Credits
* 교양 및 리더십 요구 사항은 학교 공통 요구 사항을 참조하십시오.
2. 기초 이수요건
번호 과목코드 과목명 전공 복수전공 부전공
14 학점 14 학점 3 학점
1 MTH12 Calculus II (3)
2 PHY103 General Physics II (3)
3 CHM102 General Chemistry II (3)
4 PHY108 General Physics Lab II (1)
5 CHM106 General Chemistry Lab II (1)
6 MTH201 Differential Equations (3)
7 MTH203 Applied Linear Algebra (3)
8 MTH211 Statistics (3)
9 MGT102 Entrepreneurship (3)
10 IE101 Introduction to Data Science (3)
11 ITP117 Introduction to AI Programming II (3)
12 ITP111 Probability & Random Process (3)
13 ITP112 Discrete Mathematics (3)
14 UNI114 Understanding Major Why Chemistry?
●: 필수 ○: 선택 ◑: 권장 ( ): 학점
* 경영계열 학생이 복수전공 또는 부전공을 선택할 경우, General Chemistry 1, General Chemistry Lab 1 수업 이수 필수