

분자 고등 검지 연구실

Lab: EB IV (110) 807
Office: EB IV (110) 801-5
E-mail: ydsuh@unist.ac.kr
Phone: +82-52-217-2691



분자 고등 검지 연구실

E-mail: ydsuh@unist.ac.kr
Lab: EB IV (110) 807
Office: EB IV (110) 801-5
Phone: +82-52-217-2691
분자 고등 검지, ​​분자 나노분광법 및 나노이미징, 분자 나노 분석

1. Tip-Enhanced Raman Scattering (TERS)
TERS was named and first reported by Prof. Suh and coworkers in Jan. 2000, now cited up to ~1,630 times. For the last two decades, TERS has been developed to provide Single Molecule Detection (SMD) sensitivity and sub-angstrom level Raman imaging at cryogenic temperature in UHV condition. We are now developing SMD by TERS operating in ambient condition to expand its applicability.
2, Nanogap-Enhanced Raman Scattering (NERS)
Prof. Suh’s research group has pioneered NERS with SMD sensitivity, another new research area of Nano Raman. Our two pioneering reports of NERS in Nature Materials (2010) and Nature Nanotech (2011) have already been cited for the past decade up to ~1,130 and ~980, respectively. We are now making efforts to apply NERS for in vitro diagnosis (IVD).
3. UpConverting Nano Particle (UCNP)
The first single-particle UCNP spectroscopic imaging experiments were independently reported by Prof. Suh’s group and by Prof. P. J. Schuck’s group in 2009. Since then Prof. Suh’s group have been applying UCNP to single-particle-tracking live-cell imaging, small animal imaging, and super-resolution nanoscopy. Recently, Prof. Suh, together with Prof. Schuck, has created the first UCNP Gordon Research Conference (GRC), which will be held in June 2023 at New Hampshire, U.S.A.


Ph.D. Nano Physical Chemistry, Seoul National University (1999)
M.S. Physical Chemistry, Seoul National University (1993)
B.S. Chemistry, Seoul National University (1991)


SungKyunKwan Univ. (SKKU), School of Chemical Engineering, KRICT-SKKU Professor (2013-2021)
Korea Research Inst. of Chem. Tech.(KRICT), Lab. for Adv. Mol. Probing, Group Leader (2003-2021)
Pacific NW National Lab.(PNNL), LTE Staff (2001-2002)
POSTECH, Research Professor (2000-2001)
Swiss Fed. Inst. of Tech. (ETH Zurich), PostDoc (1999-2000)

Giant nonlinear optical responses from photon avalanching nanoparticles, Nature, 589, 230 (2021)
Cover Article, cited > 50 times
Future and Challenges for Hybrid Upconversion Nanosystems, Nature Photonics, 13, 828 (2019)
cited > 80 times
Recent Advances in Upconversion Nanocrystals: Expanding the Kaleidoscopic Toolbox for Emerging Applications, Nano Today, 29, 100797 (2019)
Enrichment of Molecular Antenna Triplets Amplifies Upconverting Nanoparticle Emission, Nature Photonics, 12, 402 (2018) cited > 140 times
Plasmonic Nanogap-Enhanced Raman Scattering with Nanoparticles, Accounts of Chemical Research, 49, 2746 (2016) cited > 250 times
Upconverting Nanoparticles: a Versatile Platform for Wide-Field Two-photon Microscopy and Multi-modal In Vivo Imaging, Chemical Society Reviews, 44, 1302 (2015) cited > 480 times
Quantitative Plasmon Mode and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Analyses of Strongly Coupled Plasmonic Nanotrimers with Diverse Geometries, Nano Letters, 15, 4628 (2015) cited > 50 times
Thiolated DNA-Based Chemistry and Control in the Structure and Optical Properties of Plasmonic Nanoparticles with Ultrasmall Interior Nanogap, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136, 14052 (2014) cited > 110 times
Single-Molecule and Single-Particle-Based Correlation Studies between Localized Surface Plasmons of Dimeric Nanostructures with ~ 1 nm Gap and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering, Nano Letters, 13, 6113 (2013) cited > 70 times
Theranostic Probe Based on Lanthanide- Doped Nanoparticles for Simultaneous In Vivo Dual-Modal Imaging and Photodynamic Therapy, Advanced Materials, 24, 5755 (2012) cited > 380 times
Highly Uniform and Reproducible Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering from DNA-Tailorable Nanoparticles with 1-nm Interior Gap, Nature Nanotechnology, 6, 452 (2011) cited > 980 times
Long-Term Real-Time Tracking of Lanthanide Ion Doped Upconverting Nanoparticles in Living Cells, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 50, 6093 (2011) cited > 260 times
Nanogap-Engineerable Raman-Active Nano-Dumbbells for Single Molecule Detection, Nature Materials, 60, 90 (2010) cited > 1,130 times
Non-Blinking and Non-Bleaching Upconverting Nanoparticles as Optical Imaging Nanoprobe and T1 MRI Contrast Agent, Advanced Materials, 21, 4467 (2009) cited > 580 times
Research Highlights
Changhwan Lee, Emma Z. Xu, Kevin W. C. Kwock, Ayelet Teitelboim, Yawei Liu, Hye Sun Park, Benedikt Ursprung, Mark E. Ziffer, Yuzuka Karube, Natalie Fardian-Melamed, Cassio C. S. Pedroso, Jongwoo Kim, Stefanie D. Pritzl, Sang Hwan Nam, Theobald Lohmueller, Jonathan S. Owen, Peter Ercius, Yung Doug Suh*, Bruce E. Cohen*, Emory M. Chan* & P. James Schuck*
Nature (2023)