Their findings are expected to accelerate the discovery of future MOPs and their applications of cage-based frameworks.
UNIST 연구팀, 온도 변화로 입자 겉과 속 다른 코어 셸 구조 등 합성하는 기술 개발
MOF 소재 기반 촉매·센서·기체 저장장치 등 개발에 응용… Nat. Commun. 게재
UNIST 연구팀, 식물 광합성의 효율적 전자전달 모방하는 염료 화학분자 설계 전략 제시
염료감응 태양전지에 쓰면 전지 효율 60% 높아져..광촉매 등 응용…Chem 게재
Yeonju Lee (Advisor: Professor Hyeon Suk Shin) has been recognized for her excellence in academic and research work at the 28th Annual Samsung Humantech Paper Award ceremony.
UNIST ranked No. 1 in S. Korea in 4 subject areas, according to the U.S. News & World Report’s Best Global Universities 2022 rankings.
The ceremony to recognize the 2021 recipients of HCR took place on January 12, 2022.