Enzymes and Bacteria Move Directionally, but Bacteria towards Food, Enzymes away (Prof. Steve Granick)
Enzymes and Bacteria Move Directionally, but Bacteria towards Food, Enzymes away
Enzymes and Bacteria Move Directionally, but Bacteria towards Food, Enzymes away
Spinning Cylinders to Recreate Nature’s Patterns (Professor Bartosz Grzybowski)
Rodney S. Ruoff ranked in the top 1% in their felds globally.
Annual list is based on number of citations for papers published between 2005 and 2015.
Professor Rodney S. Ruoff has been selected for the 2018 James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials by the American Physical Society
Their work has been selected to appear on the cover of the October 2017 issue of JACS.
The work by Professor Steve Granick has been published in the September issue of Advanced Materials.
Architecture Mapping of the Inner Mitochondrial Membrane Proteome by Chemical Tools in Live Cells
Architecture Mapping of the Inner Mitochondrial Membrane Proteome by Chemical Tools in Live Cells
Architecture Mapping of the Inner Mitochondrial Membrane Proteome by Chemical Tools in Live Cells