학과 뉴스
UNIST Professor Elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Professor Steve Granick)
Juhye Kang, Best Poster Award in the 2016 Spring Korean Chemical Society. (School of Natural Science, Department of Chemistry, Advisor: Prof. Mi Hee Lim)
Professor Lim received the 2016 Distinguished Lectureship Award from the Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ) Asian International Symposium.
Similarity between Light and Matter Revealed by Quantum Reflection (Professor Bum Suk Zhao)
Capturing the Acid-base Reactions in Alcohol (Professor Oh-Hoon Kwon)
Professor Lim was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry(RSC).
Prof. Ruoff in UNIST is ranked at #489 among highly cited researchers according to Google Scholar Citations. His H-index is 114 and the total number of citations is more than 98103.
One of Prof. Ruoff’s papers, “Synthesis of graphene-based nanosheets via chemical reduction of exfoliated graphite oxide\” is selected as the top cited paper from 50 years of “Carbon”.
This paper has been cited more than 1379 times so far.
Professor Hoi Ri Moon and Jung-Min Kee received the Outstanding Teaching Award in 2015 from the UNIST president. The award was given to three faculty members with the highest teaching evaluations throughout UNIST, and two of them are from our department. Congratulations!
Excellence in Teaching at UNIST. Professor Byeong-Su Kim (Department of Chemistry), Professor Tae-Hyuk Kwon (Department of Chemistry)
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