UNIST Professor Receives Prestigious Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology (Professor Bartosz A. Grzybowski)
UNIST Professor Receives Prestigious Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology (Professor Bartosz A. Grzybowski)
UNIST Professor Receives Prestigious Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology (Professor Bartosz A. Grzybowski)
Groundbreaking Study Sheds Light on Treating Cancer
Rapid and Mass Production of Graphene, Using Microwaves
UNIST Faculty Named among World’s Most Cited Researchers (Professor Christopher W. Bielawski, and Professor Rodney S. Ruoff.)
Self-organizing Smart Materials that Mimic Swarm Behavior
Learning from insect swarming: Reconfigure active particles to self organize into dynamic patterns.
UNIST Professor Selected as Recipient of SGL Carbon Award (Professor Rodney Ruoff)
Best Oral Presentation award in 2016 spring Korean Physical Society. (Leeyeong Kim, Advisor: Professor Bum Suk Zhao)
UNIST Professor Elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Professor Steve Granick)
Juhye Kang, Best Poster Award in the 2016 Spring Korean Chemical Society. (School of Natural Science, Department of Chemistry, Advisor: Prof. Mi Hee Lim)