Dong Yeon Kim (Advisor: Kwang Soo Kim) and Hyun Tak Kim (Advisor: Tae-Hyuk Kwon) in the Department of Chemisry won the BRONZE prize at the 27th Samsung Humantech Paper Award!

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Nine UNIST students have been recognized for their excellence in academic and research work at the 27th Annual Samsung Humantech Paper Award ceremony.

UNIST, having already established itself as a leading institute in science and technology, once again took center stage at the 2021 Samsung Humantech Paper Award by claiming the grand prize.

The recipient of this year’s grand prize is Jong Won Oh (Advisor: Professor Jiseok Lee) in the School of Energy and Chemical Engineering at UNIST. This is the first time that UNIST has won the topmost Grand prize. In addition to this, UNIST has won 2 Silver, 5 Bronze, and 1 Participation Awards.



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