UNIST Graduate Appointed as Faculty Member of Seoul National University

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김진영 UNIST 화학과 박사, 서울대학교 화학교육과 교수로 임용 박사취득 2년 만의 성과 과감한 도전과 실패경험 발판 도약

Jin Yeong Kim, who recently completed her Ph.D. in the Department of Chemistry at UNIST, has been appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry Education at Seoul National University.

Dr. Kim’s research interests lie primarily in the area of inorganic chemistry. Among those, her main areas of research include the design and synthesis of porous materials, the deuterium separation using porous materials, as well as the development of porous single-crystal-based composites. Dr. Kim received both her Bachelor of Science degree and doctorate from UNIST. She obtained her Ph.D. in February 2019 under the mentorship of Professor Hoi Ri Moon in the Department of Chemistry at UNIST. After that, she worked as a postdoctoral scholar at UC San Diego and is about to begin her new career as an assistant professor at Seoul National University, beginning March 2021.


“I am grateful to have the opportunity to play both roles in research and education,” says Dr. Kim. “I would like to return what I have received throughout my academic years at UNIST.” She adds, “I am looking forward to sharing my knowledge and expertise to help young scientists succeed in their professional endeavors.”

Through her school years at UNIST, Dr. Kim has published about ten SCI papers and six of those she participated as the lead author. These papers have been published in the internationally renowned journals, such as the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS) and Advanced Materials, and thus have gained much attention by being featured on the cover pages.

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