UNIST·케임브리지大, 두께 조절할 수 있는 단결정형태 질화붕소 합성 기술 최초 개발
수소연료전지 전해질막, 차세대 이차전지 전극, 양자광원 등 응용 가능… Nature 게재
수소연료전지 전해질막, 차세대 이차전지 전극, 양자광원 등 응용 가능… Nature 게재
Nobel Laureate Sir Konstantin S. Novoselov delievered a special lecture at UNIST on May 10, 2022.
Published in the April 2022 issue of Nature,
their findings have also been featured on Nature Editorials.
their findings have also been featured on Nature Editorials.
UNIST 연구팀, 중금속·방향족 없이도 빛 흡수해 활성 산소 만드는 물질 개발
산화력 뛰어난 일중항 산소 합성되는 새로운 경로 제시.. JACS Au 논문 게재
The findings of this research have been featured as the cover of Nature Catalysis ahead of its publication.
Their findings are expected to accelerate the discovery of future MOPs and their applications of cage-based frameworks.
UNIST 연구팀, 온도 변화로 입자 겉과 속 다른 코어 셸 구조 등 합성하는 기술 개발
MOF 소재 기반 촉매·센서·기체 저장장치 등 개발에 응용… Nat. Commun. 게재
Their findings have been published in the February 2022 issue of Chem.
Yeonju Lee (Advisor: Professor Hyeon Suk Shin) has been recognized for her excellence in academic and research work at the 28th Annual Samsung Humantech Paper Award ceremony.
Their findings have been published in the December 2021 issue of ACS Catalsis.
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