1. Tip-Enhanced Raman Scattering (TERS)
TERS was discovered, first named, and reported in Jan. 2000 by Prof. Suh and coworkers at the Nano Analysis Lab of the Zenobi Group in ETH Zurich, Switzeraland, as his PostDoc topic, now cited more than 1,880 times. For the last two decades, TERS has been developed to provide Sub-Molecular Nano Raman imaging spatial resolution in cryogenic UHV condition, showing individual chemical bonds inside a single molecule. Representative recent reports in the field of TERS from our research group were published in Nature Comm. (Jul. 2022), etc. We are now developing Single Molecule TERS (SM-TERS) routinely operable in ambient condition to expand its applicability.
Recently, Prof Suh has been organizing a SPIE Symposium on Enhanced Spectroscopies and Nanoimaging (ESN) in TERS & NERS research area every year in San Diego, U.S.A., since 2020 as a Founding Organizer of this ESN Symposium in SPIE Optics+Photonics, together with Prof. Prabhat Verma in Osaka University. Please visit https://spie.org/OPN/conferencedetails/enhanced-spectroscopies-nanoimaging
2, Nanogap-Enhanced Raman Scattering (NERS)
Prof. Suh’s research group has pioneered NERS with SMD sensitivity, another new research area of Nano Raman. Our two pioneering reports of NERS in Nature Materials (2010) and Nature Nanotechnology (2011) have been already cited more than 1,300 and 1,160 times up to now, respectively. Representative recent reports from our group in this NERS research area can be found in Nano Letters (Mar. 2024), Accounts of Chemical Research (Dec. 2016), etc.
We are now making efforts to apply NERS for bio-medical area such as in vitro diagnosis (IVD), while doing fundamental research of NERS.
3. UpConverting Nano Particles (UCNP) and Avalanching Nano Particles (ANP)
The first single-particle spectroscopic nano imaging on UCNPs were independently reported by Prof. Suh’s group and by Prof. P. J. Schuck’s group in 2009, respectively. Since then Prof. Suh’s research group has been applying UCNP to single-particle-tracking live-cell imaging, small animal imaging, and super-resolution nanoscopy. Representative recent reports from our research team on UCNP and ANP were published in Nature (May 2023), Nature (Jan 2021, Cover Article), Nature Photonics (Dec 2019 & Jul 2018), etc.
Recently, Prof. Suh, together with Prof. Schuck in Columbia University as one of the two Founding Organizers, has created the first UCNP Gordon Research Conference (GRC), and this inargural UCNP GRC has been held in June 18-23, 2023 at New Hampshire, U.S.A..
Ph.D. Nano Physical Chemistry, Seoul National University (1999)
M.S. Physical Chemistry, Seoul National University (1993)
B.S. Chemistry, Seoul National University (1991)
Associate Director, Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials (CMCM), Inst. for Basic Science (IBS), Ulsan National Inst. of Sci. and Tech. (UNIST), Ulsan, Korea (2024-Present)
Professor (Special Employment), Dept. of Chemistry, UNIST, Ulsan, Korea (2021-Present)
KRICT-SKKU Associate Professor & Professor, School of Chem. Eng., SungKyunKwan Univ. (SKKU), Suwon, Korea (2013-2021)
Group Leader (Special Employment), Laboratory for Advanced Molecular Probing (LAMP), Korea Research Inst. of Chem. Tech. (KRICT), Daejeon, Korea (2003-2021)
LTE Staff, Single Molecule Spectroscopy Lab., Environmental Molecular Science Laboratory (EMSL), Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), WA, U.S.A. (2001-2002)
Research Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, Pohang University of Sci. and Tech. (POSTECH), Pohang, Korea (2000-2001)
Suh, Yung Doug