An Online Science-Culture-Art Exhibition Kicks off

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This unique exhibition, merging science, humanities, and arts, is held online from August 5, 2020.

A unique exhibition merging science, humanities, and arts to inspire imagination and creativity, through the understanding of polyhedra has been launched by the Polyview team at UNIST on its




There are four major themes within this exhibition: ‘Polyhedra around us’, ‘Polyhedra in Human History, ‘Polyhedra is Natural Science, and ‘Polyhedra in Arts.’ Each exhibition introduces polyhedrons used by humanities scholars, mathematicians, scientists, and artists and shows how the polyhedra are manifested in these fields.

“In this exhibition, you can see in one place how the polyhedra are manifested in various fields, such as science, culture, art, and architecture, as well as their interactions and mutual influences through the 3D language of polyhedra,” says Professor Choe.


Meanwhile, Polyview is an exhibition content development project on the convergence of science, culture, and art related to polyhedra. This project has been supported from the Ministry of Science and ICT of South Korea since 2017. The leader of this project is Professor Wonyoung Choe (UNIST), together with Professor Hoi Ri Moon (UNIST), Professor Jinsook Choi (UNIST), and Professor Hyun-Kyung Lee (Yonsei University). Other members include Ji Hea Kim (Exhibition Designer) and a group of UNIST students, participating as team researchers.

As a part of their ongoing effort to promote, popularize and create awareness about science and technology, in December 2019, the team held an exhibition under the theme of ‘Polyhedron Science Lab’ for local residents of Ulsan, as well as a seminar for middle school students on the topic of ‘Science of Blue.’ This year’s online exhibition was designed as an exhibition of a new concept that can be enjoyed in the Untact era, unlike the existing exhibitions focused on experience.

You can see a virtual tour of the exhibition HERE.

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